Winter Wonderland

Well Michigan was hit with its first big snow storm.  We actually didn’t get that much snow, however, some politicians decided that the best way to save a little money was to cut road crews for winter… I don’t even need to comment on that one.  So of course it took me two and one half hours to get home.  Excellent.  The worst part of the drive however was not the road conditions.  It was the fact that I have this terrible sore throat and cough and was unable to talk on the phone!  2.5 hours of prime talking time wasted!  Oh the horror!

Speaking of horror.   Ajax’s temper is getting a little out of control, his tantrums are just ridiculous.  I’m hoping we’re doing the right thing but gosh are they tough to deal with.  Word on the street was that he was quite the little monster for my Aunt today, poor Aunt Terri!

I couldn't resist one more xmas picture.