Still No Bambino and D day is almost here

I am reaching the point in my pregnancy where I feel like this kid will never come out.  I will in fact be pregnant forever.  Yes, I know this is not rational or even physically possible, but I do not care.  I have been eating tons of pineapple and spicy Thai food, to no effect.  Mr. Dave, Max, and I have also been going on epic walks every evening (the dog is thrilled about this one), still to no effect.  I understand that my due date is not till April 1, so maybe I need to just relax, but I am not used to being home with nothing to do.

Here are some pictures of Mr. Dave and I, pre-baby, so that when we do have this child and start to look a little crazy and sleep deprived, people can look back and say, ah yes they were a lovely couple.

Dave and I at a friend's wedding, July 2008
Dave and I at a friend's wedding, July 2008
Dave and I in Mexico
Dave and I in Mexico