Ajax is one week old today! To think that last week I was still pregnant, thinking I would be so forever, and now we have this little person in our home running our lives. So far I think everything is going as well as can be expected. Dave and I aren’t sleeping much, the dog still seems a little concerned over the crying baby in the house, and there are times where we honestly can’t believe we have a child and have no idea what we’re doing.
We went to Target yesterday (as I had to get out of the house), Ajax slept the whole time, but I was on pins and needles thinking – oh dear what if wakes up and starts screaming? He still loves his car seat and car rides, and his swing. He’s starting to stay awake a little longer each day (whereas the first few days he just slept all the time), now he’ll stay awake after meals and whatnot and look around. Because he’s staying awake longer I realize it’s 4 pm and have no idea where my day went.