You may have noticed that I haven’t had many coupon posts lately. I’ve been a little busy lately and honestly a little turned off of coupons. I went to Target and got into a disagreement with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR, yes four store managers.
Now, does anyone remember my previous coupon lesson where I instructed that what a coupon says, what is actually printed on the coupon, trumps what may or may not be pictured on a coupon. Some coupons don’t even have pictures so there you go. To keep it short all four managers disagreed on what was PICTURED in the coupon and they decided that the appropriate way to use a coupon was to guess what was pictured on the coupon and try to match it to what I was trying to purchase. The fourth manager, I’ll call him Mr. Manager, was the final player in this charade and when he stormed over I could tell that the situation wouldn’t end in my favor.
Mr. Manager acted swiftly, made a decision and it didn’t matter what I said. He acted much to busy and important to hear one customers coupon complaint and yes, he confirmed what that the other three suspected, what was pictured on the coupon is clearly how a coupon should be used. In this instance the coupon was for a free Puffs. The picture is nondescript, it could be a single pack of Puffs in cube or oblong, it could have been a three pack. No one could decide. In the end I told him that he was wrong and that I would bring my business elsewhere, he shrugged and basically told me tough.
This has actually turned my stomach from Target and couponing for a while. You know what’s funny? I had actually used the same coupon twice previously in the same transaction at the same store with no problem.