Today it was either an art fair in Plymouth or the petting farm at Kensington Park. Although I was all for the art fair (I haven’t been to one all summer!), I figured Ajax and Dave wouldn’t enjoy it that much so we headed to the park. We got there well before noon so it wasn’t too hot or crowded, which was nice. Ajax loves animals and had a great time. He saw piglets, lambs and ducks, and petted goats and sheep. While he was petting one goat, the goat’s ear twitched to shoo a fly away, well this action scared Ajax and he screamed, pulled his hand back and leapt back from the fence. It was pretty funny, you’d think the goat nipped at him or something.
Throughout the farm we kept pointing at the animals and then making their appropriate noise. Here was the running commentary throughout- oh Ajax looks a piggy, what does a piggy say- oink oink!! so on and so forth. Luckily every other person at the farm had a small nino too so the commentary was being repeated all over the farm. Ajax said goat a few times and sheep, but mostly kept referring to the animals as dogs.
After exploring the farm we found a shady spot by the lake and had the picnic lunch we’d brought. Ajax ate some fruit, but wasn’t too interested in eating the sandwich I’d made him but he had tons of fun throwing potato chips off the blanket. Oh well.