Weekend update

So, I apologize, I know it’s been a week with no updates, but I’ve been a bit under the weather and have not had the energy to post.

We had what seemed like a busy week, though I now can’t remember anything we did, lol.   My parents took Ajax to their house on Friday and had him until Sunday.   Dave and I were supposed to get some small constructions projects done, but I basically laid on the couch and I’m not sure what Dave did.  Though we did get out and purchased a Toro snow blower, so yea!

Today we met my dad half way to pick up Ajax and I was able to transfer the sleeping nino from his car to ours without disturbing him.   We we got home, however, and he actually woke up he freaked out as he didn’t remember the transfer and wasn’t really sure where he was.   He had to sit on the couch with Dave and watch the Gruffalo before he would calm down.  My parents said he did absolutely wonderful and had a great weekend, but I missed him a lot and am glad that he’s home.