Weekend and summer camp

This past weekend was a bit busy.

On Saturday, after swim class we headed to Brooklyn to visit a bit.  My dad will be leaving on a month long motorcycle trip across the country and we wanted to see him before he hit the road.  Dave and grandpa took the kids fishing and swimming, and my mom and I kicked it around the house.  After dinner Dave and grandpa headed to the store to try their hand at Mai Tai’s, so my mom and I took the kids to get ice cream and then to the park.  Win-win.

Noomi also found some of Emily’s old stuffed animals and insisted on bringing two home.  One was a dinosaur that I remember Emily carrying around nonstop with her when she was about 6 or so.  How cute is that?

On Sunday, we hung at the house, did a bit of cleaning and then spent a few hours in the pool.  The kids LOVE the “big” pool, lol.  Ajax asked if we were fancy.  I told him, no dude, no one would call us fancy.  I guess I should’ve asked what he meant by fancy.

Today was the first day of summer camp for the kids via the YMCA.  Noomi is at Camp Hugabee and Ajax is with Camp Pawapi.  Both kids had a great day, though Noomi was hesitant to let me go this morning.  Ajax actually knew a few kids that were at camp as well, so that was nice.  One parent that was dropping off also commented that his older daughter’s name was Noomi!  Turns out they were from Sweden and he explained that the name is quite popular there.  He was also impressed that we spelled it correctly.   Ajax had a great time and told us about canoeing, archery, and climbing a rock wall.  What a first day!

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Last day of school! 2017

Today was Ajax’s last day of the second grade!  He had a half day and rode the bus to and from school.  Noomi stayed home with me as her last day of preschool was actually last week.  I’m just now realizing I didn’t take a picture of her for her last day of preschool, HA!  oh well, second kid problems.  After we put Ajax on the bus Noomi and I went grocery shopping and even picked out some new summer clothes for her.  We had a very good outing.

When Ajax got home we had lunch, they played some MineCraft and then we went out and played in the pool.  A few neighbor kids and their parents came over and we had an impromptu pool party.  Overall, a lovely day.  Ajax said he was both excited and sad that it was his last day.  He said he’ll miss his teacher, Mrs. Gienapp, and his class, but is so ready for summer.

Next year he’ll be going into a new school – Explorer – and Noomi will be starting Young 5s. Both our kiddos will be in school full time and will be riding the bus in the morning together!  I can’t believe how big they are both getting!

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Tough Mudder and miles 2017

Exciting times at our home this past week.

Dave and I completed Tough Mudder Michigan which was held in Oxford this year at a gravel pit.  It was an incredible venue.  We had so much fun doing it together.  Unfortunately the rest of Mitten Mayhem wasn’t able to run with us, but we fully represented.   We ended up staying the night at my cousin Sandy’s home in Clarkston and then got up early to volunteer on Sunday as well.

While we were at TM my folks had the kids.  On Friday, Emily picked up both kiddos and kept them overnight.  Apparently they ate a ton of pizza, watched Boss Baby, and Adrian showed Ajax a new card game on the iPAD.   On Saturday, Emily and Adrian took the kids to Brooklyn for farm clean up and everyone worked taking down trees.  On Sunday, my parents kept the kids and then met us at our house after volunteering all day.

Ajax didn’t do mini-mudder this year since we opted to sign him up for soccer and we have limited funds.  He’s been asking and asking to play soccer and we finally consented.  Apparently they have “try outs” (not real try outs) on June 19th and then the sport starts in the Fall/Spring.  Noomi had no desire to do soccer or T ball or any other sport.  She stated she was happy with her swimming class.

This year Ajax topped 25 miles for Mileage Club and was in the top 10 again this year!  That meant a pizza lunch with Principal Cobb today with the rest of the top 10 kids.  We are beyond proud of him.  He set a goal and went for it!
