What a busy weekend! On Saturday morning both kids had swim class. We’re not quite sure how much longer we’ll keep them in swim, they both seem to like it and if it were up to me I’d have them swim through high school. But with so many time demands something will need to give. After swim class I hustled Noomi to a martial arts class in town with her troop and Dave raced Ajax to a birthday party. As both events wrapped up we took both kids to another birthday party, where they both got to stay (also at the marital arts place in town). By the time everyone got home at 5 pm they were absolutely beat. We put them both to bed at a reasonable time, over much protesting, and *bam* they were both out like a light!
On Sunday we woke up to an ice filled state – it had rained through the night and then froze and every surface was covered in ice. Unbelievable. Second biggest power outage on record according to the news. Luckily we never lost power, though the kids kept saying that it would be pretty neat if we did. The roads were terrible, so we stayed home all day and it was the best. We’ve been so busy that we really needed a quiet day. We did laundry and some cooking, a bit of cleaning (not much), and lots of TV and video games and playing with the puppy.
Even Husker didn’t want to go outside (as evidenced by the numerous accidents he had in the house). At one point both kids were playing on the iced up deck and he was howling at the sliding door and scratching like he wanted to go out, so I opened the door and put him outside. No sooner had I stood up to close the door, and he jumped right back into the house and just sat there watching them. I didn’t really blame him it was quite cold outside.
Noomi asked why Husker has such sad eyes.