Spring break and birthdays

Well Ajax is 9 years old and I simply don’t know where the time went!  His birthday- day was pretty quiet as we’re celebrating it on Saturday.  His birthday did involve a trip to the dentist, as I have a few days off this week for spring break and well… that type of thing just needs to be done.  I also took him for his annual check up and he weighed in at 70 lb and 52 inches tall!  According to the growth chart he’s squarely in the 50th percentile for both height and weight lol.

The rest of week has been quiet, revolving mostly around this new puppy.  Noomi had a friend over to play yesterday and today we headed to Brighton to visit family from England.  Husker was home alone for a couple hours and did great.

We’ve been watching a lot of  Cesar 911 and now Noomi thinks she’s the dog whisperer and has asked repeatedly if Cesar’s number is 9-1-1?  We’ve told her that was not his number and please please don’t try dialing it in an attempt to reach him.

2018-04-02 17.09.062018-04-02 17.26.272018-04-04 09.27.142018-04-04 09.28.152018-04-04 09.29.38-12018-04-04 09.42.162018-04-04 17.05.352018-04-04 17.11.45