Coupon Notes

A while back, you may remember I gave you my thoughts on coupons and savings.  Well I’ve put a bit more thought into the subject and again, humor me, would like to share my ideas about this whole coupon lifestyle.

1. Although I have come to realize that since jumping on the coupon wagon it has become quite a part of my life and therefore my family’s life, it’s ok to fall off the wagon.  I’ve been so busy this summer that I hadn’t touched my coupon binder in weeks.  When I finally pulled it out last night I realized that I had $13 in catalinas (basically free money) that had expired, but ya know what?  It’s going to be ok.  I beat myself up a bit and then moved on.

2. Use every last drop of that shampoo.  This sounds silly, but as a woman I am prone to advertisements and commercial peer pressure, for example no matter what product I am using, as soon as I’m browsing the hair product aisle and a new flashy bottle catches my eye, well out with the old, in with the new (no matter how much of the old was still in the bottle).  I am proud to report that I have been using all of one item before moving onto another and you know what?  That bottle of shampoo really does last long!

3.  Even if you don’t use coupons, money-saving blogs are a great resource for great finds!  For example, I’ve been wanting a professional ceramic flat iron for years, however, the $250 price tag has always made me gag.  Fast-forward a bit to a more savvy shopper and what do you know, I found my dream iron on sale at Amazon for $30, normally $250 (Mr. Dave has already ordered it for me for my birthday).  Well, actually I didn’t find my iron, a saving blogger did and passed the word along. Yea!

So, yep there’s some of my coupon thoughts for the evening.   You may or may not find this useful, either way let me know.

I also wanted to report that our garden is getting a little out of control.  We’re definitely getting a lot of veggies from it, but it’s getting pretty crowded.  Our zucchini plant is huge and taking over some of our tomatoes, our cucumbers are stretching into squash territory, and one tomato plant seems to really be some sort of crazy bush that keeps toppling over no matter how much string I use to prop it up (remember how I said I didn’t need those silly cages?).

Stats from 15 Month check up

Today Ajax had his 15 month check up.  I had promised him no shots, but of course I miscalculated and the first thing the nurse told us when we checked in, was – oh, Ajax just one more shot buddy!  So yes, I lied to my child.  He received the last of his DTaP/HIB booster and is now all set with shots till he’s two.

Ajax weighed in at 24 lb 9 oz, putting him in the 50th percentile; for length he was 33 in., putting him in the 90-95th percentile; and for his head circumference he was at 48.5 cm, putting him in the 75-90th percentile (not quite sure what the head measurement is supposed to show but there it is).    The doctor said that he was very healthy and tall!  He was also impressed with how many words Ajax knew and then commented, ah yes, only child, lol.

Ajax playing godzilla!
Now trying to climb into the "neighborhood".


Ajax thought it was quite humorous to carry my purse around the house.  I kept asking him, so are we going shopping?  And he would nod his head, yes yes were are going shopping.  It was too cute.  Dave was a little concerned that his son was carrying a purse around, but I assured him that that was completely normal for kids.

I also wanted to show off our recent harvest from our garden!  We’re getting tons of tomatoes and zucchini… which makes me wonder.  What am I going to do with all this zucchini?  Ajax isn’t totally sold on the veggie so I’m going to have to be creative.  If you have any suggestions I’m all ears.


Ajax spent some quality time with his grandparents this past week.

On Tuesday Rod came and picked up Ajax and took him home to Mikado, MI.  Ajax did wonderful up north without mom and dad (really, he slept better for grandma and grandpa than he has been for us, lol).   Ajax took a trip to Dara’s work (she’s a nurse) and they weighed him in at 24.6 lbs, he also ate lunch with her coworkers and stole a bag of potato chips from someone.   Dara also took him to a wedding (his first), where he had a blast!  Dara said as soon as the music started he was off dancing and running between the tables,  she also said there was a laser light show and he was enthralled.   Ajax also visited the great-grandmas and apparently great-grandma Indish caught him right as he dove off the couch.

Now Ajax loves tractors, we all know that, however, I now believe he is obsessed.  As soon as Ajax would get up he would run to the door, wanting to go outside and once outside would take your hand and lead you right to the John Deere for a ride.  I think all grandpa Rod did this weekend was take Ajax for rides, lol.  Ajax is now spoiled rotten with rides.

On Thursday night Dave and I headed up north as well and spent a very relaxing weekend hanging out.  The weather was just lovely and we had a great time.   We came home on Sunday as we had a funeral to attend and then put the nino to bed early as he was worn out. (note: grandma isn’t in any pics because she was the photographer!)

Grandpa made a hillbilly swing for the nino and he loved it!
Helping Grandpa fix the tractor with Milly dog in tow.
Going for rides now in the car.
Building castles with grandpa
Helping feed the dog.
Ajax was all about swings as well as tractors.
The addition is all finished and looks wonderful! Ajax was helping to decorate.

Freezer secret

Although I’m still new to the whole freezer cooking thing I’ve learned a secret and just had to share!  The other day when we were grilling I took one whole sweet onions, peeled the outer layer away, wrapped it in tin foil and place a large dollop of butter with some veggie seasoning salt inside.  I wrapped it up and threw it on the grill till it was almost translucent.   Well the onion didn’t turn out perfect for dinner, but I ended up saving it anyways.

Recently I took out some precooked chicken and pork that I had in the freezer ; while reheating I cut up some of the above mentioned onion and added it to the meat.  It was incredible!  It added such a great flavor and moistness!  I think I’m going to keep one of these cooked onions on standby now that I’m jumping into this whole freezer cooking thing. lol.

Enjoying an at home picnic.


Today it was either an art fair in Plymouth or the petting farm at Kensington Park.  Although I was all for the art fair (I haven’t been to one all summer!), I figured Ajax and Dave wouldn’t enjoy it that much so we headed to the park.   We got there well before noon so it wasn’t too hot or crowded, which was nice.  Ajax loves animals and had a great time.  He saw piglets, lambs and ducks, and petted goats and sheep.  While he was petting one goat, the goat’s ear twitched to shoo a fly away, well this action scared Ajax and he screamed, pulled his hand back and leapt back from the fence.  It was pretty funny, you’d think the goat nipped at him or something.

Throughout the farm we kept pointing at the animals and then making their appropriate noise.  Here was the running commentary throughout- oh Ajax looks a piggy, what does a piggy say- oink oink!!  so on and so forth.  Luckily every other person at the farm had a small nino too so the commentary was being repeated all over the farm.  Ajax said goat a few times and sheep, but mostly kept referring to the animals as dogs.

After exploring the farm we found a shady spot by the lake and had the picnic lunch we’d brought.  Ajax ate some fruit, but wasn’t too interested in eating the sandwich I’d made him but he had tons of fun throwing potato chips off the blanket.  Oh well.

adventure baby
this is the mean goat that scared ajax.
have a picnic by the lake


Today I was off work again (I was actually only in the office one day this week, lol) so Ajax and I headed out to my parent’s house in Brooklyn.  My mother-in-law, Dara, and her sister-in-law, Monie, and daughter, Emily, were at my parent’s house too, as Emily loves horses.  I also had a cousin in from Colorado and he was out with his three kids as well.  It was a full house.

Basically we spent the entire day down at the barn – playing with horses and buckets of water; chasing cats and petting dogs.  I didn’t even bother trying to get Ajax down for a nap because he was so wound up.  We had a great day and were home by 4:30, just in time to meet the husband.

I didn’t get many pictures as I ran up to the house and then left my camera up there, but here’s what I got- my dad and Ajax cutting the grass.  Ajax loves to ride on things and we had a hard time getting him off the tractor.

Cookie Monster

Dave turned around for two seconds and Ajax found the cookies (Annie’s graham crackers) in the bottom cabinet.  For some reason he’s never really played with them so I had forgotten I’d put them there.  Dave said he ate two and then turned the box upside down and stomped on the rest.  Of course Dave had time to take a picture after laughing, but not fast enough to save the cookies from little man’s feet.

Heat wave

Michigan is officially under a heat wave advisory.  At 7 am the weather channel was reporting record highs- I believe it was in the 80s.

I had today off and was therefore able to take Ajax to his baby class in Allen Park.  Ajax was great and I was so happy to take him.  He played well and was content the entire time.  The class was composed of all boys (all about Ajax’s age) and of course there were a few pushing matches, but nothing serious.   After class we went to my grandpa Nader’s house with my aunt Terri for lunch.  After lunch we stopped by a small fruit market, where I purchased my first mango, and then headed home for nap time.

We tried to play a little outside after Ajax got up from his afternoon nap, but we only lasted a total of 30 minutes.  It was just too hot to be outside.   As I’ve commented numerous times- what odd weather.

This is Ajax last fourth of july! Look how small he was.

Anytime Calzone Dough

My sister-in-law, Theresa, asked for the calzone recipe, so here it is!   I originally got the dough recipe from Better Homes and Gardens and have been using it since August 2005- still a winner!


1 tablespoon dry active yeast

1 teaspoon sugar

2 cups warm water

5 cups flour

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 tablespoon salt

Here’s what ya do:

In a large bowl combine the yeast and sugar.  Pour warm water over all.  Let stand 5 minutes.   Using a wooden spoon stir in 2 cups flour, olive oil, and salt (you could also add basil or oregano).  Stir in as much flour as you can.  Kneed in remaining flour.  Dough should be moderately stiff; 6-8 minutes.

Shape dough into a ball; place in a greased bowl and cover.  Let rise four 40 minutes or until about double in size.  Punch down dough.  Turn out onto a floured surface.  Divide into 10 equal portions; let rest.  Roll dough into 7 in round portions.

To use right away- fill the dough with whatever you want.  I usually do pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and ham.  But you can add whatever you want.  Fold over and pinch the edges together.  Brush edges and calzone with a beaten egg.  Then cook for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees (or till done).

Eat right away or freeze for the future!