Summer weekend

Well it seems that Michigan finally remembered that it was summer and the weather jumped back up into the high 80s and low 90s.  This following over two weeks of rainy, cold weather marked with some nasty thunderstorms and hail.

In nino news, we brought up Ajax’s small bike without training wheels as he finally decided he wanted to give it a try and the kid just jumped on it and zoomed away.  Dave and I just stood there in shock.  I had been having visions of a bending over holding the seat of the bike as we looped around and around the cul-de-sac.  Ajax was so proud of himself and Dave and I heaped on the praise!  Even Noomi clapped, though she didn’t really know why.

So this weekend we were all about the bikes.  We swam and then went biking.  On Sunday after dinner we all went for one last ride.  Dave and Ajax on bikes ahead with Noomi on her tricycle with me walking next to her.  Noomi did wonderful on her ride, though every time we passed a piece of trash, she panicked and cried out – Oh no!  And would stop her bike and try to retrieve the item.  She waved at every passing car and kept yelling at Dave and Ajax to wait up (I’m not really sure what she was trying to convey, maybe it was just a happy Daddy!)

We also put up some treats from our garden – some tomatoes in the freezer (the deer keep getting into the raised beds), cucumbers, and Ajax and I made our own bread/butter pickles which need a few days before we can eat them.  We also froze some green beans and corn. Love summer

Oh! One last thing – we also ran to Target and Ajax picked out some stuff for school.  Now, both Dave and I picked out a very practical backpack.  It was Swiss Gear and seemed very well made.  It was grey.  Ajax picked out a flashy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack complete with a matching lunchbox with little reflectors.  The thing does not look well made and will probably fall apart by November.  It was however what our son wanted and so it is the one he walked out of the store with.  He was so happy, lol.

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Sneaky art fair

I love art fairs.  I love the crafts, the people, and overall atmosphere.  Dave on the other hand would rather scrub toilets with a toothbrush.   I think our last art fair was about 5 years ago.   Ajax was small, in a stroller.

Today Williamston had it’s art on the river festival and since it was right here in town we went!  Yea!  The fair was very small only about 20-30 venders and they also had activities for the kids.  Noomi did a craft while Ajax ran wild in the bounce house.  The kids got ice cream and dogs made out of balloons.  There was also a band with music which Noomi rocked out to.   It was so cute.  Dave was resilient to its charm. Overall though we love Williamston.

After the fair we zipped into “town” and bought a new mattress which will be delivered on Wednesday.  Our current mattress is going on ten years old and was used when it was given to us, lol.  Our backs have been hurting so bad and we haven’t been sleeping, that Dave kind of snapped this morning and declared we were getting a new mattress.

The kids thought the mattress store was hilarious and ran circles around the place.  Ajax kept trying to leap from mattress to mattress.  I think the lady was negotiating to get us out of the store quickly.  Either way we ended up with a deal.

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Morley Two

Here are just a few more pictures from up North!  Uploading these photos I notice there are more pictures of Noomi than Ajax. That’s only because Ajax was constantly running with the other boys and Noomi I kept closer since she’s younger, lol.

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Morley, MI

Where is Morley, Michigan?  That’s the question we usually get and with good reason.  It’s a small village off of I-131 between Grand Rapids and Big Rapids.  My grandparents have a small cabin on 80 acres up there and it’s wonderful.  My mom grew up running around in the woods up there, I remember going up there and running around, and now my kids have been up there and they too ran wild.

After Noomi’s birthday party Ajax headed up north with Grandma Dara and Papa for some one-on-one time.  He did wonderful and loved the alone time with his grandparents and all the tractors and dogs.  Noomi was quite content to be home with Dave and I and loved all the attention.  It was a tea party every night.

On Thursday, we loaded up the car and headed to Morely, which was only a 2 hour drive from our house.  We met my cousin Angie and her five kids, my aunt Rena and cousin Marissa there.  We also met up with Ajax and the grandparents who brought their new fancy trailer.      We went hiking and exploring, I took Ajax tubing down the river twice, and we also went kayaking. Dave and Rod went down the river, and then Emily and I went kayaking down the river from town.

I wasn’t comfortable taking Ajax kayaking down the river, so we went into town and put in the small pond and went around for a bit.  He did great.  Noomi we felt was still too young so she stayed home with Grandma Dara.  On Friday night, my sister and cousin Sara came up with her husband and their five kids, so it was a party all the way around.  One thing about being from a large family, is that your kid will always have an age equivalent cousin or two, so each kid had two other kids their age, or near, to play with.

At night the kids slept in the trailer, except for the last night when we all piled into the tent, which actually wasn’t that bad except for some reason the tent flap was open at the end where Noomi and I were sleeping and now we have a bunch of bug bites.  I think one of the kids was playing around with the zipper, but since it was dark when we went to bed I didn’t notice.  Next time I’ll check.

On Sunday morning, we got up early, packed up and hit the road for home.  A good camping trip means that your family smells so bad you refuse to stop until your home, and some people may or may not have pants or shoes on.  It was a wonderful camping trip and we had so much fun up north with family, but I definitely liked coming home and showering and sleeping in my own bed.  The kids even slept in Monday morning, Ajax till almost 7:30 and Noomi till 8 am.  Good times were had by all, thank you family!

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Noomi and Aunt Rena
Noomi and Aunt Rena

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Ajax, Eli, Jacob
Ajax, Eli, Jacob
Ezra, Noomi, Ajax
Ezra, Noomi, Ajax

2014-07-19 12.24.31


2014-07-19 18.31.09

Zander, Noomi
Zander, Noomi
Noomi, Jamie, Colton
Noomi, Jamie, Colton

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Our family wants a dog pretty bad, this is no secret and we routinely debate the type of dog we shall get when we buy our home.  Ajax and I are on board with a standard poodle, while Dave is holding strong to the German Shepard.  I love GSDs, but I do not love the hair.   So we will have to see, heck we may end up with a mutt, we really don’t care.

Today we had family over for a BBQ, which involved swimming, cooking out, and awesome food.  It also involved the neighbor’s little dog who spent a good part of the day with us on our back porch.  The kids loved it and chased him all around the deck trying to pet him.  The dog primarily wanted the steak we were cooking, but we can’t blame him for that.

Noomi also has a stuffed Snoopy doll, which Ajax got her last year.  He’s a mighty good big brother.  She’s been carrying it all around the house and insisted on sleeping with it tonight. She does not call it Snoopy, she calls it – My woof.  Actually it’s quite common for her to refer to things by the sound they make – woof (dog), neigh (horse), and roar (bear).    She’s been walking around saying – my woof, my woof.  I have not corrected it much, because it’s so darn cute.

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July updates

Heavens where to begin!   Life has been bananas around here lately with work, kids, and more work.

A while back I was in Boston for work and both my parents and Dave’s parents were kind enough to help us out with the kiddos as we pulled them from daycare for the entire week.  The kids had a blast with their grandparents and enjoyed spending time up north.  Ajax is in a new summer camp program through his elementary school, as we thought it would be nice to get him into the routine of going to the school in the morning and meeting other kids who would be in his class.  So far he has absolutely loved it.  He went to Potter Park zoo, he took an Amtrack train ride to Battle Creek, and he saw a magician at the library.  Each week they have a new theme and field trip.  Ajax thinks that’s pretty awesome.  Noomi is still at Kindercare and still enjoying it.   We’ll keep her there another year until she too can transition over to the school district pre school program, so that both kids are at the same place.

Dave is now driving into Dearborn again, as he leg strong enough to drive long distances.  He’s doing very well and will have one more surgery in August to remove the longest screw from his leg.

This is obviously the Fourth of July weekend, and our holiday started on Thursday as I had the day off.  I took both kids to my work to visit, then we went to a dozen stores getting things for Noomi’s party, then we played at McDonald’s for over an hour, then we went visiting a friend with a new baby.  At our friends, Ajax worked outside with some neighbor boys who were doing yard work and Noomi played inside with her baby.  She was not terribly interested in the real baby, which I thought was funny.

On the Fourth of July we were home, we did yard work, played and generally bummed around, getting ready for next weekend.  We tried to go swimming but Ajax got bite by a black fly and insisted on getting out of the pool and going into the house.  So we ended up having an early dinner, roasting marshmallows, and playing with the neighbor kids.  So there you go.

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Farm clean up and Pre-K graduation

On Friday Dave and I attended Ajax’s Preschool graduation.  The kids had on little graduation caps and received a certificate.  They also received gifts of sidewalk chalk and bubbles, which Ajax couldn’t wait to play with.  After the graduation he played with his friends and when it was time to leave a dozen kids gave him one giant group hug as it was his last day at KinderCare.   Ajax didn’t seem sad in the least, but was quite upbeat telling all his friends and teachers good-bye.

After that we went home and loaded up the car and then headed to my folks’ house in Brooklyn for the weekend as it was Farm clean up.   Noomi did not sleep well on Friday night and therefore, neither did the rest of us.   Ajax asked grandma Mary if she could please keep Noomi quiet as he could not sleep with all that noise.  On Saturday, we trimmed some trees and built a huge burn pile.   The chain saw died in the early afternoon, so my dad declared us done for the day.  He and Ajax took the boat out to the lake and went fishing, which us girls went into town for hair cuts.  Mr. Dave fell asleep on the couch.   The hairdresser trimmed Noomi’s bangs (first haircut) so now they don’t hang in her eyes.  She seems quite happy now.   When we got home Dave and I went into Jackson for a date night while my parents babysat.  It was very nice.

On Sunday, we bummed around a bit and then headed home.  When we got home we did yard work, played in the dirt, went swimming and then had an early dinner and bed as everyone was exhausted.

On Monday, Ajax started his new summer camp program at the school and so far he seems to love it.  He was a bit shy when we all dropped him off, but was too interested in all the toys to stay next to us for long.  I don’t think Noomi liked leaving her brother there and heading to her school.  Right now her repeated phrase is – mine.  She will say – my baby, my daddy, my mommy, my Ajax, mine!  Her favorite thing to repeat is – My daddy. Where’s daddy? Daddy?  My daddy.  Yea, it’s cute.

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Now that we have a pool the kids want to be in it all the time.  When they aren’t in the pool they want to know why they aren’t in the pool.  And they cannot possibly understand why we don’t just live in the pool.  In the morning Ajax still races to the window to check on the pool and declares to the family that it is still in fact sitting in our backyard.  He was a bit concerned the first night that deer would get into it.

Ajax keeps telling us that he knows how to swim and likes to dive under water.  He can’t actually do these things and we keep reminding him that he can’t swim.   We are trying to work with him and I think by the end of summer he’ll be doggy paddling like a pro.

Noomi also likes the pool, but since she can’t touch the bottom she has to be held and that annoys her a bit.  I think she still likes the water table better at this time.

In roundabout news, Ajax is doing great with his T ball.  He has three more games and has had a ton of fun playing.   This is also his last week at Kindercare and has a pre-K graduation this Friday.  He starts summer camp next week, which is through the Williamston school system.  I always wanted to go to summer camp and was always jealous of my friends who attended Camp Dearborn, so I’m excited to send Ajax to camp.  He’ll get to take field trips to the zoo, ride the Amtrack train to Battle Creek, go to the splash pad at Hawk Island, and a bunch of other fun things.

Noomi’s favorite words right now are – NO.  Mine. No.  She’s also got quite the funny temper.  While eating dinner the other night she angrily tried to throw her napkin to the ground. Well, the darn thing, being paper simply lightly floated to the ground, which was not the desired effect Noomi was going for. So in response, she picked up her bowl and threw it across the table.  She then appeared more satisfied with herself.  She always watches and copies Ajax constantly.  Whatever he does, she does.  Kids.

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Small town USA

We now live in Mayberry, otherwise known as Small Town USA and we love it.  We’ve worked long and hard to find our perfect small town and we are enjoying it greatly.

For example, here was our day today – we got up and had breakfast, then we went to the farmers market in town, which was so cute.  The kids then played at the park and we got snow cones. Then we walked up to the local hardware store to get a new spark plug for the lawn mower.   When we got home we did lunch and naps and then worked out in the yard.  We then went swimming before dinner.   What a wonderful day.  Before bed Ajax helped me water the garden and he put his gator away in the garage and explained that he still had a lot of work to do.

What a wonderful weekend.

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First T Ball Game

Well, Ajax had his first T Ball game tonight. I was able to leave work a bit early so that we weren’t rushed.  We swung by the house and picked up Dave and then headed to the fields.  Ajax looked pretty cool in his uniform and was very excited but reserved for his first game.  Noomi was very excited about the game and kept pointing to all the kids and so wanted to run after the ball every time it zipped by.  Luckily Noomi was content eating all the various snacks we brought and playing with the water bottle.

Watching five year olds play T Ball is pretty entertaining.  Everyone is yelling instructions and encouragement and the kids are totally oblivious to what they should be doing.  At one point Ajax was playing first base and the ball landed on his foot, so he just stared at it.  The coach kept yelling pick it up Ajax, pick it up!  When he picked it up he just looked at, like, now what?  Mid way through the game Ajax had to use the restroom, which was a long hike across the fields (about the length of a football field).  After he peed and we were 1/2 way back to the game, he announced he had to use the bathroom again, number 2.  Needless to say he was out of the game for a while and by the time we got back he had to hustle out onto the field to take up the short stop position.

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This past weekend we also went to a graduation party up north for one of my cousin’s daughters.  The kids had so much fun running all over the place.  My grandpa Nader was also there, which was wonderful!

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