
A few updates – Noomi is now in the phase where she’ll announce what she’s doing.  For example she’ll yell that she’s – EATIN!  or POOPIN!  It’s pretty darn cute.  She’s still not talking a ton or in complete sentences, but she understands everything you say and can follow multi-step instructions.  She also still loves shoes and seems to be collecting more pairs each day.  She’s very opinionated about which shoes she wants to wear in the morning and honestly I think she’d wear a tutu everyday if she could.  Other than that she is an extremely easy going kid, when she does have a bit of a meltdown they are usually short lived and she then moves onto other more pressing matters rather quickly.   We had friends over for dinner this past Saturday and they have a two year old son.  It took Noomi close to one hour before she would play with him, though she kept watching him and wanted to play.  She’s still a bit shy.

Ajax is doing well, though he’s been in a bit of a rambunctious phase.  He is still loving T ball, though his first game was cancelled due to rain. We have also decided to send him to the summer camp offered through the Williamston schools (starting in June).  It will be the same program where he will go after school until Dave or I get him after work and it’s located at his elementary school.  We think this will be good for him, getting him used to his new school, introducing him to some of the teachers and meeting new kids his age.  The camp also offers fun activities throughout the summer, such as- a trip to the zoo, Hawk Island park, a train ride to DeWitt, and a magic show at the high school. Overall, we think it’ll be very good for him as he is still very shy about meeting new people and it takes him a while to warm up to change.

Even though Ajax’s game was cancelled we still did a dress rehearsal!

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T Ball

Tonight Ajax had his second T Ball practice.  He was so excited and did much better this time around.  He did not cling to my leg and willingly went with the coach to play with the other kids.  Dave met us at the field, and Noomi and I stayed for about a 1/2 hour before heading home to have dinner.  Dave said that Ajax continued to do well after we left, though he and another little boy started goofing around and getting a little rambunctious.  Noomi enjoyed watching the other kids practice and was quite happy to sit on my lap watching them and eating the apple slices I had brought for Ajax’s after-practice snack.

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Family week review

The weather is finally starting to turn around… wait I believe I’ve already said that and then we were hit with rain/snow.   Oh well, here’s to wishing for nice weather and summer and sun.

This past week was a bit busy.   Ajax started T ball on Tuesday.  He will have practice two days a week, usually beginning at 6 pm and ending at 7.  Grandpa Gordy came up and met us at our house and then he and I took Ajax to his first practice, while Noomi and Mr. Dave stayed home.  Though Ajax was so excited to attend his first practice, by the time we got there he became shy, incredibly shy and clung to my leg and pushed his face into my back.  There were about 12-15 kids on the team (boys and girls) and two coaches.  It took Ajax almost 20 minutes before he would really participate in practice and allow me to retire to the benches with the other parents.   On the up side, I got to practice my throwing.

On Thursday practice was cancelled due to rain and the ice cream social at the elementary school.  We decided to check it out, as we figured it would be about 40 parents and kids with sundaes.  We were way off, as the ice cream social was really the annual fund raiser for the PTSA and included food, raffles, an auction, and a variety of games.  We bought tickets and the kids each got a bag of popcorn and then we played some games.  Ajax was again pretty shy and refused to play many games.  Noomi was just happy to eat popcorn and hold her balloon.  There were hundreds of people present so I can’t really blame the kids for being overwhelmed.

This past weekend we did yard work.  As Dave’s leg is still recovering, though he’s no longer in the boot, I offered to cut the grass.  I also cut back some of the yard and removed a section of sod (about 5 ‘ x 3’) for Ajax to dig and play in.  We also went to Home Depot and picked up lumber for two raised garden beds we’ll be building next weekend.  Apparently the residents of this neighborhood are always at war with the critters that eat their garden.  The kids spent all of Sunday outside and were in bed early.  Noomi’s vocabulary is expanding like crazy and she will finally repeat words back to you.  She talks a ton, but as soon as a stranger comes by she buttons up and stares at them.  Our neighbor brought us a tray of cookies and Noomi refused to say hi or bye to her, even with a treat!   She is getting more coordinated and we’ve been working on riding the tricycle; she’s slowly getting it.  Noomi only wants to follow Ajax around and do whatever he’s doing.

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Up north egg hunt

This past weekend we all headed up north for an egg hunt.  500+ eggs for 7 kids and 2 babies.  The kids loved it.

On Friday, Dave and I both had the day off so we packed up the car and were on the road by 9:30 am.  The kids were pretty excited to get going, but soon started the relentless – are we there yet?  Well, not so much Noomi, cause she’s a baby, but Ajax was consistent.  It was an ok drive, though it rained the entire way.  Instead of going straight to the grandparents house, we went to Grandma Dara’s work.  There a doctor was kind enough to take a look at a mole on Ajax’s leg (nothing to be concerned about) and another to look at Noomi’s thumb nail, which somehow got an infection and will most certainly come off.  It’s horrid.  We then headed over the house where the kids were excited to see the new ducks and dogs and of course, Papa.   We played outside a bit, but again it was still rainy.  We helped prep for the egg hunt by filling over 200 eggs with candy.  A lot of candy never made it to the egg as Ajax and Noomi were both “helping.” Noomi wasn’t too fond of the candy and kept putting it into her mouth then throwing it on the floor for the dogs.

On Saturday, everyone came over for the egg hunt and lunch.  Ajax was very excited to see his cousins and it was nice to visit with family.  Ajax had a blast running wild and finding eggs.  Noomi was slower and more deliberate, inspecting each egg before placing it into her bag.   Though it was overcast and chilly out, the kids spent the majority of the day outside, running, playing on swings, and tractors, and chasing the poor ducks.  Ajax was very excited when it came time for dessert, as he had helped decorate the cakes, one of which was a chocolate construction cake.  Whenever we weren’t looking he tried to rearrange the tractors on the cake.  He thought it was awesome.

On Sunday, we headed home around 11 or so.  Noomi took two solid naps, while Ajax only dozed for a few minutes before we stopped for lunch.  When we got home we unloaded the car, got laundry going, and then played outside for a bit.  Everyone was so tired though that we weren’t out for very long.  We did an early dinner and both kids were in bed passed out by 7:15 pm!

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Easter 2014

Our Easter morning started at 6:19 am with both kids waking up at about the same time.  Ajax immediately remembered it was Easter and took off in search of his basket, which was under his desk in the living room.  We all had to help Noomi locate her basket which was in a cabinet in the kitchen.  The kids got some candy and small toys in their baskets along with playdoh and bathtub colors.  They also received these plates and silverware that were in the shapes of construction tractors and garden fairies from their way cool Aunt Theresa and Uncle Tim.

We tried to get some decent photos of the kids before heading to Dearborn, but they were both hyped up on the sugar and then we were demanding they both sit still and smile.  It was all around rough.   The car drive into town was equally rough due to the aforementioned sugar overload and then being strapped into a car seat for over an hour.   When we got to my grandpa Naders the kids forgot they were hyper and clung to Dave and I acting extremely shy.  It took them quite a while to warm up.  Ajax did ask where great aunt Norm was, but my mom explained she was in heaven and he seemed ok with that.  I had been concerned that he would wonder about Aunt Norm so we had discussed her passing a few times leading up to Easter so he wasn’t surprised when we got there.

After running wild for a few hours outside and visiting with family we loaded the kids back into the car and headed home.  It was 70 and sunny so when we got home we all ended up playing outside and enjoying the warm weather.  Bed time was a bit rough as everyone was way overtired.  It took an hour to settle both kids down for the night and I’m hoping Noomi sleeps through the night.

I like this first photo because this is the face Noomi makes when you ask her to smile. I totally remember went through this phase of learning how to smile lol.

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Good Friday

Ajax asked why it was good Friday and I told him that every Friday was good 🙂

Although there was an egg hunt at the kids’ school, Ajax asked to stay home with me.  I had a ton of running to do and told him he may have more fun at school, but he insisted on accompanying me on errands.  We dropped off Noomi in the morning and then headed out.  We went to several stores, one of which was Target so that Ajax could exchange one of his birthday gifts.  He had $30 to spend, the most he’s ever had, and he was so thoughtful about his choice which ended up being a remote control truck and trailer and some matchbox cars.   After our errands we picked up Noomi early from school.  As we all got home around 2:30 and Dave still had to work the kids and I played outside with the neighbors until dinner.  This neighborhood has so many kids!  They’re everywhere and so far very polite.  There are two little girls Ajax’s age who live in our end of the subdivision and so far they have played very well together, riding bikes, digging in the dirt, and playing on jungle gyms.  When we headed in Dave made dinner and we colored Easter eggs. Unfortunately I didn’t boil them long enough so Noomi kept squashing them in her hand and watching the runny mess drip down her hands.  The kids thought it was funny.  Ajax ended up dying his hands blue from forgoing the little metal ring used for dipping eggs.

On Saturday we loaded up the kids and went to the town’s Easter egg hunt.  They had it divided into age groups so I went with Noomi and Dave took Ajax.  The kids had a blast, but it Noomi a while to get the hang of it. She kept stopping and opening each egg and was surprised each time she discovered treats inside.  Afterwards we wandered around town a bit more, found an excellent store that sells tall clothing for Dave and then we stopped and ordered Ajax’s Tball uniform.  Actually I was quite surprised as it is actually a real uniform (I had to order Ajax an extra small).  When I played Tball for the YMCA, we had a little yellow tee shirt, these days kids have the whole fancy uniform and practice twice a week!

When we got home the kids embarked on some serious candy negotiations.  Noomi wanted all the jelly beans and m&m’s, while Ajax wanted all the chocolate.  I was the mediator and of course took a cut as well.  What I did not account for however was just how fast the kids and I were inhaling the candy so that when we headed out for our afternoon errands – the library and bike store to get Dave his bike – I could barely wrangle both children who were bouncing off the walls.  I now realize my error.  I think everyone in the store was happy to see us go.

To burn off some energy we let the kids run in circles outside when we got home.  One of the neighbor kids came over with her father asking if Ajax could play. I said of course and she zipped right through the house to the backyard where they began digging in the dirt under the porch.  Good times!

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Relaxing Sundays

After Ajax’s party we were all pretty beat so that meant a wonderful bumming around Sunday, doing nothing, going nowhere, just relaxing.  That was perfect for everyone as both kids were exhausted from all the party fun.  By 10 am Dave and I looked at each other and said, is the day over yet? How are the kids this out of control?  By noon they calmed down and we were able to spend a good amount of time outside as the weather was very warm and sunny.

Ajax was invited to play ball with the older boys next door.  They were very patient with him and let him play with them for close to 45 minutes – 1 hour.  Ajax didn’t really get the concept of baseball, but enjoyed the chasing the ball all over the place.  At one point he sprinted to the ball, stood up and randomly through it in the wrong direction.  Did I mention the other boys, who were in age 8 and up were very patient?  Ajax had fun, but when the older boys ran off to play something else, he was content to pull out his gator and drive Noomi around and around the house.  Noomi loved it, as she had been helping me rake the front yard, but just ended up trying to steal my rake.

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Birthday party!

On Saturday we had Ajax’s birthday party.  Due to the move, Dave’s leg, and general hectic-ness of our schedules I’ve decided to implement a new birthday strategy.  Since Ajax had a big birthday party last year, we opted for the “family” party this year.  As Noomi had the “family” party last year, she’ll get a larger party this year.  If we alternate the years, it’ll give me plenty of time between April and July to plan and not feel so burnt out.

Ajax’s party turned out wonderfully and we were lucky enough to get a very warm and sunny day, which meant lots of outside play time.  Grandma Dara and Papa drove down in the morning and Grandma Mary and Grandpa Gordy came in around noon with Nana and Aunt Emily.  Aunt Liz also came out with my cousin Ryan, Aunt Emily and a few other friends.  Ajax had a blast playing with everyone and Noomi was so excited to have a party. He did wonderful this year when everyone sang him happy birthday and did an excellent job blowing out his candles.  Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating with us!

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Weekend updates

Another excellent weekend and to top it off the weather has been gorgeous!

On Saturday, Noomi and I headed into the Detroit area for my cousin Kim’s shower, while the boys stayed home and went for a walk through the woods and did general boy things.   We had a great time at the shower.  There were plenty of kids for Noomi to play with, the food was good, and it was nice seeing family!  Noomi was quite taken with a three year old named, Hunter, and kept following him all around.

When we got home Dave’s aunt was over with her two youngest, Emily and Joe, as well as Grandpa Rod.  They all came down for a fencing tournament in Lansing and stayed overnight with us.  The kids loved having the older cousins over as well as Papa.  We had pizza for dinner and all shared in leftover birthday cake from Ajax’s school party.

On Sunday, we cleaned and organized the house and then met the rest of the family in Leslie for the fencing tournament.  We were able to see Emily compete, but after an hour the kids were running in circles and stomping on the bleachers.  We didn’t want to be those parents, so we bounced a little early.  When we got home Ajax and I went exploring in the woods behind the house, while Noomi and Dave played in the yard (the terrain got a bit bumpy for her and Dave).  I also gave Dave a haircut and he now officially has a mohawk, which is pretty cool.  He’s wanted one for a while and since he won’t be in the office for a few weeks now seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Well, with all our fun this weekend, it’s near 8 pm and poor Noomi is having a heck of a time going down for the night.  She is way overtired and I’m hoping we’re not in for a rough night.

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Someone is 5 years old!

Mr. Ajax is 5 years old today!  Where has the time gone?

Ajax woke up in a great mood, which seemed to carry him through the day.  He was excited to bring his cake to school and share it with his friends.  I was able to get out of work a little early so we were able to get home and have an early dinner.  Ajax picked his birthday dinner: boxed mac and cheese and dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets.  Looking back I realize that is the same thing he requested last year too.  For dessert I picked up angel food cake with cool whip and fresh raspberries and strawberries.  Ajax loved it and so did we!   The kids had an early bath (thanks to a poo incident from the smallest family member… I also needed a shower after the event) but that allowed them more time to play before bed.  Noomi helped me vacuum and Ajax zoomed his trucks and cars through the house.  It was a good evening.

On another positive note, Dave got the go ahead from his Doctor to start walking without his crutches!  The xrays looked great and he is recovering well.  The Doctor did, however, put the smack down on Warrior Dash.  So it looks like we’ll be cheering our family on from the sidelines this summer.

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