Floor peas and paper

This morning I took Ajax with me to the mall to return a few things giving Dave some quiet time as he’s a bit under the weather.  We returned our items without issue and then we scooted off to the mall play area.  Ajax played well, climbing over the obstacles and running around,  but then I could tell that he was getting tired and going down hill fast.  When Ajax gets tired, his bullying side comes out, and the mall play area was no different.  After a few head bonks, I scooped him up and we headed home for a nap.   He of course didn’t want to leave and I had to wrestle him into his coat, but I won.

After nap and lunch we ran to Office Depot.  Ajax loves Office Depot for some reason and had to try out all the chairs and point out all the pens we passed.  He made a few random runs down aisles, forcing me to chase after him to the point where I had to put him back into the chart so that we could check out.  He became so mad at being confined to the cart that he began screaming and tossing himself about.  He got so mad that he actually hit his head against the side of the cart, making me think I need to invest in a helmet for my son.   While I paid, Dave ended up taking Ajax to the car so that the other patrons didn’t have to hear his yelling.

Our afternoon was quiet, Dave and Ajax stayed home while I went grocery shopping and then we had a nice dinner.  Ajax decided that he would eat every other pea, throwing one on the ground in between.  After dinner he then decided that the floor peas were worth eating and sat under his high chair eating them.  Great.

I think we’re heading into definite Two territory which is difficult for the us and the little guy as this is a frustrating time for him as well.

Ajax in his bomber jacket.












Floor peas.
Caught eating floor peas.

Also, I wanted to show you that you can use coupons to save on more than just food and tooth paste!  Office Depot is offering a rebate on HP paper.  So I bought two reams of HP paper, totaling $15.58, after coupons I paid $11.40 and will submit the receipt to get a full rebate!  Ta da, free paper.

yep, paper.

Holiday roundup

Tonight we rounded off our holiday activities with a Christmas party at Ms. Karen’s house (Ajax’s babysitter).  All the other kids and parents were present and it was a very loud and hectic party… which is to be expected with a house full of kids.   Ajax got a little too wound up and by time we got home (at about 6:45) he ran to the couch covered himself up with his blanket and demanded his cup of milk.  I couldn’t get him to eat anything so I gave him a quick bath, a cup of milk, and right into bed.

At bedtime I realized Ajax left his stuffed frog (aka “froggie”) at Karen’s house.  Lately he’s been asking for specific stuffed animals at bedtime.  Currently he has his two “silkies” which he sleeps with every night.  He also has a lion that he rotates and his frog.  Luckily, he was fine with his silkies and lion tonight, but I had a bit of a panic thinking he was going to ask for his frog.

The concerns of a parent.

Five Years Already

Today is Dave and Mine’s wedding anniversary!  We’ve been married five years and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone, it’s crazy.  It seems like yesterday we were going on our first date, walking through campus, and now look at us, all grown up with a mortgage and a nino of our own, lol.

We didn’t do anything too exciting for our anniversary, but I did make us a wonderful dinner and a chocolate cake for dessert.  The cake didn’t turn out so great and kind of just fell apart, but you know cake is cake.   I inadvertently gave Ajax to much juice with dinner making him a super hyper kid this evening, which made for a very fun bath and bedtime.  He literally ran circles around Dave and I till almost 8 pm before crashing.

Tractor rides in the living room.
Hard hats are cool.
Cool dude.
Taking silkie for a ride.

First Snow

Sunday we got our first big snow storm, so we suited up and went outside to play.  Well, Dave shoveled and Ajax and I ran around the backyard.  Ajax had a hard time running in his boots, so he had to hold onto my hand, but he thought the snow was pretty cool.

Dave kept lobbing snow balls at us, and one hit Ajax (not hard mind you) and Ajax was shocked, he was like, what the heck dad?  It was pretty cold so we only stayed out for a short time, but Ajax did not want to go inside and threw such a temper tantrum.   I had to lure him in with promises of snacks and juice.   Also, he wouldn’t keep his gloves on!  I kept putting them on and he’d shake them right off again.   Are there secret kid gloves that stay on?  If you know the secret please tell me.


Weekend has come and gone, so short, so sad, but there it is-time!

Saturday morning we made a trip to Home Depot to buy a new toilet seat cover… I broke ours.  Ajax thinks Home Depot is the coolest place- lights, big machines, and loud noises.  He actually didn’t want to leave.   We told him not to worry, we spend lots of time there.   Saturday after noon, Ajax and I met my mom and sister over my friend Mari’s house to babysit her three kids so that she and her husband could do some shopping.

It was two toddlers and two infants against three adults, and those ninos had us running all over the place, lol.   Ajax and Riley played very well together, and the twins were so darn cute.   I got Ajax home at about 6:30, we did a bath and then Ajax told me he wanted to go to bed at 7 pm after his milk.    He played so hard, he was worn out.

On Sunday we put up our Christmas tree!  Ajax was such a help.  I would hand him an ornament and he would lay it on a branch.  He couldn’t get how they hung, but kept laying them on the same branch.  After the tree was done, Ajax tried to touch it and of course, I told him no and that he was not allowed to touch it.  How weird is that?   One minute your mom is telling you to put ornaments on a tree and in the next your not allowed to touch it… poor kid.   Life’s complex.

Riley and Ajax.


Santa's hat.
Ta da
Funny guy.

Lil’ Jokster

Ajax’s vocabulary has been expanding my leaps and bounds lately.   He has also been experimenting with his new linguistic skills as well.  For example, he has started making baby jokes.

He finds it incredibly funny to pretend an object is something other than it really is.  For example, yesterday he was holding up his “silkie” (small stuffed animal he sleeps with) and proclaiming loudly that it was a BANANA!   Dave corrected him, no, Ajax that is your Silkie.  Ajax laughed and laughed, held it up and again proclaimed, BANANA! He thought he was so so funny.


Well, we’ve created a pizza monster.  Ajax’s absolute favorite food right now is pizza.  If he sees a commercial for his fav food he starts shouting- pizza pizza pizza!  If we happen to order pizza and he sees the delivery guy he races out onto the porch and demands pizza immediately.  You can barely contain him to squish him into his highchair to give him a piece.   I’m not quite sure where this love developed, it’s not like we have pizza every other day, but there it is and it’s pretty funny.

Having an afternoon snack.
Ajax is really starting to climb on things now.

Weekend fun

This weekend has been pretty quiet after the holiday.  Yesterday Ajax and I went for a playdate over my friend Mari’s house, where Ajax played very well with her two year old, Riley.  Mari also has twin 3 month old girls, so adorable!  Unfortunately I have no pictures to share, but they were so cute.

Today has been very relaxing, though this morning on my way home from the grocery store I managed to run over a sharp piece of metal in Dave’s car and we had to put on the spare as the tire is beyond a mere patch.  Oddly enough we couldn’t find a tire shop open on Sunday.  Don’t these places realize that people can get flat tires any day of the week?

We’ve kind of been stuck in the house today as it’s pretty chilly outside.  To keep Ajax entertained we’ve been reading books and playing with Legos (truly his favorite toy of the moment).  We also let Ajax try his hand at fingerpainting again, and he did very well.  Overall, a very relaxing weekend.

Pretending Dave is a jungle gym.

Helping me plan meals for the week.

Weekend fun

The weekend has come and gone so fast.  But Thursday is turkey day and that means a short week with a happy day filled with excellent food and football.  Ok, so I don’t really care about football, but tradition dictates it dominate the TV.

Ajax helped me prep a few dishes for turkey day on Saturday and we did a bit of running around.  Ajax is getting more coordinated with his Legos and loves to build towers.  He has also begun using a real cup for meals.   He thinks it’s so cool.   With this whole cup situation he has also been demanding apple juice.  I used to offer Ajax juice when he was younger, but he never seemed to like it, so I stopped trying.   At 19 months, however, he is a big boy and calls for juice.

Today we went visiting over my grandpa Nader’s and Ajax had a blast.  Somehow he ended up being the youngest nino present and loved all the attention.  What a little ham.

Playing with Legos.
Serious construction going on here.
Eating a chicken nugget happy meal with his big boy cup.

Sick Nino

Ajax has been a bit under the weather, at first we chalked it up to teething, but now he’s a bit congested and yesterday he took a 4.5 hour nap at the sitters.  So today, I ended up staying home with the sick nino.  He wasn’t the most pleasant to be around, but I think he needed some mommy time.

We bummed around the house and watched plenty of Sesame Street.   I’m still annoyed that PBS changed the beat to the Sesame street theme song (Dave did point out that it has been 25 years since we watched the show and surely some things were bound to change over such time).

Watching Elmo with his sippy.
Life is tough for such a little guy.
Play doh.